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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

One of Those CRAZY Days!

The reality that Autumn is right around the corner landed on my doorstep in a BIG WAY this morning!  Yes, my boys headed off to school.  In fact, this school year is a 'life changer' for me, as my youngest headed off to Grade One!  I'm not sure I am really ready for an empty house during the day!  With the hustle and bustle of the morning under my belt ... it was time to carry on with the remainder of the day!

My husband escaped work so he could head home and get back in the field.  Only his time in the field was SHORT!  This was not a good sign!

The feeder-house chain piled up in the feeder-house of the combine!  NOT Good!  


While pulling this mess apart, my husband also managed to slice his wrist open on a sharp piece of metal!  Despite needing stitches 'sooner than later' ... his solution was a cloth and duct tape!

Needless to say, after the feeder-house was taken apart and the reality that we will be 'sitting for a couple of days' instead of harvesting ... my husband headed to town for stitches.  I know it's Tuesday and we just celebrated the Labour Day long weekend, but it certainly felt like a Monday ... it really was just 'one of those CRAZY days!'


  1. Awe, Terri, the pictures of your sons are so precious . I love the chalkboard idea! I hope your husband is now sewn back together. My husband would not make a good farmer. He gets all worked up when mechanical things go wrong. Hopefully things will go more smoothly tomorrow. As for you, my heart feels for you. I know what it is like to have my sons grow up too fast, when I am not quite ready for them to! Just think, you now have two things to look forward to every day... Your two sons coming home to you! Take care! I'm thinking about you!

    1. Awe, thanks Renee! My oldest was being a bit of turkey and wouldn't smile (I think we've reached 'that age!) but my day was and is certainly brighter when both boys come home from school smiling and my house is filled with their energy! This whole 'empty nest' during the day is going to take some getting used to! Still trying to get my head wrapped around how quickly time flies and how fast our little ones grow up! *sigh* However, we move forward! My husband is sewn back together, the combine is put back together and the day went a bit more smoothly! :)



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